At GCD, I was 1 of 40 women chosen to be spotlighted on their site over the next 3 months! They haven't posted any of the design team or contest winners' work yet, but here's the link to the idea page where I believe things will post eventually...http://www.gcdstudios.com/Ideas.asp
Over on WebsterPages "Inspire Me" site (http://websterspages.ning.com/), my layouts are running in the featured slideshow on the main page (around #30/100) or in the actual "Featured" section in the photos area of the site. http://websterspages.ning.com/photo
This is very exciting to me & I couldn't have done it without the little "pushes" I got from Rachel! She is such a wonderful friend & never stopped encouraging me to try for all these various things. I am so lucky to have her in my life! She's right up there with my mom & my sister as the women that inspire me! Thanks Rach! I love you!
Speaking of Rachel, I gave her her little surprise yesterday before we went thrifting - a cupcake made from clay & other embellishments. She seemed very touched by it! We had such a great day together running in & out of various thrift stores. It was very fun & I am looking forward to doing it again soon!
Later that evening, Rachel & her hubby, Rich, came over for dinner & it was a perfect end to such a great day. I think that the boys got along very well & I hope that we can plan some excursions together soon!
Well, I am off to the park with the Magpie in hopes that she will get tuckered out enough to let me get some work done today!
1 comment:
you simply make my heart happy. thanks for yesterday and last night. rich and i both enjoyed dinner on our 10yr date anniversary - thanks to the voth family for hosting. i'm very lucky to have you in my life! ♥ rach
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