It's been a busy couple of days for me!
I have finished one of my travel-themed albums & now I am hard at work on the 2nd one!
I have finished one of my travel-themed albums & now I am hard at work on the 2nd one!

In between all this wonderful time I've had working on these albums, I have been uploading new photos to The Scrap-a-Teeny Girls' flickr album! Most of the work we haven't sold will hopefully be up over the next couple of days as well!
We are in the process of trying to figure out if the online venues (Etsy & eBay) are worth our time & money to sell these creations of ours. So, over the next week, we three will check out some of the local shops that showcase local artists. I'll let everyone know soon!
On a personal level, I am behind on everything! The laundry keeps piling up; the dishes never end, the fridge is looking a little bare & there's this funny pink stuff growing in the upstairs toilet! I have a long list of things I WANT to do around the house - like re-decorate the kitchen into a fun milk-theme, but time & money are holding me back at the moment. But that's a whole other blog! ;-)
Over the weekend, I got together with my BFF Rachel & went to the Fancy Tiger's 3 yr anniversary party. It was great fun & very inspiring! Afterwards, we visited the local Goodwill for some great treasures! I am just itching to paint & sew some great new purses! Oh, why can't I be a better multi-tasker like my mom!! She's always got at least 3 projects in the works!
Nick got roped into going rafting with his older brother & family who are up at the cabin for the week. So I took advantage of him being gone & dropped Maggie with Auntie Kim for the day/night & tried to get some work done! Didn't accomplish too much, but it was nice to have some uninterrupted time to do nothing in! Then Kim was kind enough to bring Maggie back to me on Sunday & stay for an afternoon of scrapping. Neither of us accomplished much that day either! We did watch some Bond together as well as "My Big Fat Greek Wedding." Scrapping in front of the tv is fun, but doesn't help the juices flow!
My wonderful Laughing Magpie is still as busy as ever & I have decided to change her 1/2 days at school 2 days a week to 2 full days so that I might regain some of my sanity & not feel like such a life-slacker!! Plus, she wakes up everyday & asks me if it's a school day! She just loves it!
Nick is crazy-busy with his new office build-out & will hopefully settle down by the end of August when they are hoping to be officially moved in! Until then, he has little time for anything leisurely! We keep talking of a road trip or camping, but he just can't leave for even a long weekend until everything is under control! I am hoping to plan something as a surprise for when things settle down - probably an impromptu camping trip nearby.
Right now, everyone is in bed but me & I am listening to the rain cascade down the windows of my studio. It's such a peaceful way to end a busy day!
1 comment:
I want to see more of those books.. they look yummy
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