Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Adventurous Magpie

The other day, Maggie went to REI with her dad & saw 2 kids about her age climbing the big rock wall they have in the middle of the store...she came home determined to climb it the next time we went there. Well, we decided to jump on her adventurous spirit & go down there the next day!
Gearing up!
Roping in!
I am amazed that she's totally psyched! This face from a kid who won't try riding her bike w/o the training wheels yet!
Learning how to climb...
Up she goes!
 Ok, so those all the stills I took & here's a video if you're interested...

And of course, she had to climb the "boulder" outside...

So VERY proud of her!!! My adrenaline was pumping, so I can only imagine how wired her little body was climbing that big rock inside!
Now she wants her own harness & shoes! HA! Like we're gonna nurture that sport at age 6! Just what I want, my 6 yo dangling from a cliffs edge! Does she think we're crazy?? ! think we'll settle for a climbing wall on the play set out back!
trying to keep her shorts dry in the shin-deep water!
Afterwards, we walked down to the river park & as hard as we tried, we just couldn't keep Maggie from getting soaked! Yes, I know, what were we THINKING?! (we had planned on going out to lunch afterwards! NOT!)
Always aware of mommy with the camera!!
My little social girl...finds a friend wherever we go! This one helped talk her into climbing the "waterfall" & getting soaked! Nice!
She said it was the "Best day ever!"
Such a lovely thing to hear!

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